The feasibility of taking a pragmatic qualitative research approach

The more I read to prepare for my dissertation, the more feasible it seems for me to take on the pragmatic qualitative research approach. Mainly, I need structure due to my propensity to ramble-write a lot--I mean, I write a lot like I talk a lot, going off the tangent in my direction of thinking, grabbing onto the horns of different directions when I need to stay focused on the purpose of my research, the research question of my research.

Topic of my dissertation: Exploring the first year students' perceptions on writing pedagogy as a student engagement tool

The pragmatic qualitative research approach connects the theory with practice. By finding that most fitting theory, I will know how to structure my writing by paralleling my thoughts and words to the theory. By incorporating the theory into practice, I will know how to organize what I need to say in writing.